My Name is Andrew Yost, I was born and raised in the Historic Hudson Valley of New York State and the Beautiful north woods of Minnesota. I have been photographing our natural world for over 20 Years without using any editing software for one reason only, I want to show the beauty of our world in its natural state without adding any unnatural lighting or coloring.

When I first started exploring the world of photography I was shooting on Black and White 35mm. I was also honing my skills of developing my own photos at the local High School’s darkroom on the weekends. Then during my College years I was renting time at my Universities photography darkroom to try and perfect those skills in developing raw black & whites. I soon found myself moving from film photography to digital in the early 2000’s. I decided it was time to go with what was new in the world of photography equipment... However I still use my old film equipment to capture B&W shots to this day.

My beginnings as an Outdoor Nature photographer started in the early to mid 1990's  At this point I had already established my love and passion for the outdoors. As a child and as a young adult I spent my summers exploring the Northern woods of  Minnesota’s Boundary Waters and the Mountains and valleys of New York & New England. In 2005 I had something within me telling me to move west. So I did... I soon found myself in Washington State working for our National Park Service. While doing so I felt the need to start photographing our National Treasures, as in such places as our National Parks, National Monuments & Forests, Our amazing BLM lands along with State and Local Parks throughout our beautiful country. I wanted to do this for one reason only To help inspire people to get out and Explore all of Americas Best Ideas with their own eyes and also help preserve these precious areas for our future.

In more recent years I have decided to expand to other amazing Countries photographing as many of their Parks and Preserved lands as possible in the hopes to also share and preserve these foreign places as well…

*If you would like to learn more about the locations I have photographed and or would like some ideas of where to explore on your next adventure please feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to share any information I have with you all…